youth economic empowerment

We acknowledge that the lack of economic resources for young people exposes them to abuse such as sexual violence and disables them from taking charge of their SRH.

A4HU aims to increase access to decent gainful employment by young people through the acquisition of both non-formal and entrepreneurial skills. This is done in the following ways;

Non-formal skills training and mentorship in different vocational fields and apprenticeships to increase youth access to employable skills and help them set up business ventures. Programs such as POWER are one way of addressing youth economic empowerment by skilling ladies in sexual and reproductive health. These POWER ladies then cascade this knowledge to fellow youth. Trainings are also done for leaders of Youth Empowerment Centres, Youth Groups, and Clubs in leadership, finance, sexual and reproductive health, and so on, to equip them with necessary skills in these areas. They too cascade this acquired knowledge to their peers.

Facilitating young people to benefit from government programs through capacity development and information sharing.

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