FLYING NURSES “BEES”: The Social Marketing Model bringing youth-friendly Family Planning services closer to the youth

Action 4 Health Uganda through the TeamUp Uganda program is implementing a new program dubbed FLYING NURSES, also known as BEEES in Mityana District. This project is aimed at bringing family planning services at affordable prices closer to the youth, especially in hard-to-reach areas.

The Flying Nurses will be operating in 10 sub-counties namely Malangala, Kalangaalo, Butayunja, Kakindu, Kikandwa, Ssekanyonyi, Bbanda, Maanyi, Bulera, and Namungo. Each sub-county will have two Flying Nurses providing family planning services and commodities to the youth at friendly prices.

The Youth Truck toured various sub-counties of Mityana District from June 10th to June 14th, 2024, to promote the Flying Nurses’ youth-friendly family planning services. Equipped with a public address system, the truck traveled through both dirt and tarmac roads to raise awareness about the services. The team shared the contact information and locations of the Flying Nurses, along with details about the services they offer and their prices. At the various layovers, the Flying Nurses engaged with community members, addressing inquiries about family planning and health, and demonstrating the use of different family planning methods.

A Flying Nurse interacts with youth in Ssekanyonyi sub-county Mityana District

Some of the questions and opinions raised about family planning included the following:

Why do I need to use family planning, yet I work and earn to care for my family? If I am using these methods, it means that I reduce the number of children I have and in return, my money will just be wasted.

Does one lose their feelings after undergoing some family planning methods like tubal ligation and vasectomy?

How is a female condom used?

At the Kakindu Sub-County headquarters, the youth from Nsamizi Training Institute had a learning session with the Project Officer-BEES. There was an extensive discussion about the use of female condoms (femidoms) and male condoms. After the explanation, the women in the room expressed a preference for male condoms, stating that femidoms seemed complicated.

At Bukooba Parish, Ssekanyonyi Sub-County, Mityana District, the Local Chairperson Godfrey Kimaliridde was very pleased to have Action 4 Health Uganda through the TeamUp Uganda program bring these youth-friendly health services to his community. “You have done the youth well in teaching them about their health and now they can be able to take charge of their lives.” he shared. “At 75%, Bukooba has the biggest percentage of youth in Mityana District. This arrangement of the Flying Nurses will enable youth to access services cheaply leading to reduced early pregnancies and STDs. I also thank the Youth Truck for bringing these services closer to the youth.”

LC Bukooba village Ssekanyonyi receives a condom dispenser from TeamUp Uganda

Nurse Ajaro Linda, one of the Flying Nurses assigned to Bukooba Health Centre III in Ssekanyonyi Sub-County, shared her gratitude, saying, “I am thankful for the Youth Truck for assisting us in mobilizing and raising awareness about the Flying Nurses. The community welcomed us after hearing our advertisements on the public address system.”

A Flying Nurse interacts with women in Kikandwa sub-county Mityana District

The Flying Nurses is a new initiative taking on a social marketing theory to bring youth-friendly family planning services closer to the youth at affordable prices. This is meant to help the youth in taking charge of their sexual and reproductive health as they strive to realise their full potential.

Some of the family planning commodities that will be sold by the Flying Nurses

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